Ahmedabad civic body to issue property tax bills based on carpet area in Bopal

AHMEDABAD: Bopal residents will be issued their first municipal property tax bills, based on carpet area formula, between September end and October second week. Most of these bills will be between 2.3 to 2.5 times the existing nagarpalika bills, claim civic officials.
The Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC) had begun an elaborate carpet area survey of more than 40,000 properties — residential and commercial—over the last four weeks.
A senior AMC official told TOI that survey of more than 18,000 properties has been completed and the rest will be completed in a month’s time.
The inspecting tax assessors have been demanding the original plans of the individual tenements, bungalows and apartments. After being brought within AMC limits last year, the area will now be taxed under the new carpet area-based property tax system.
Right now, 40,000-odd residents of the area are cumulatively paying Rs 5 crore in tax to the nagarpalika. The AMC had earlier estimated a tax of Rs 15 crore from the area, but now this amount may increase to about Rs 20 crore.
Most Bopal and Ghuma areas will be in the ‘C’ category of the municipal tax system, where the land jantri value is between Rs 7,000 and Rs 15,000, except for South Bopal which will be under the ‘B’ category.
“The property tax system existing in Bopal-Ghuma is quite arbitrary. For instance, apartments which came up over past 4 years are paying based on carpet area while other properties are paying a flat charge according to the old blanket assessment system,” said a senior South West Zone tax assessor. The AMC had recently completed assessment of newly acquired areas of Nana Chiloda and Kathwada, where about 12,000 properties were assessed and issued bills last year.
“In the recently concluded carpet area-based tax assessment for industrial clusters for Kathwada, there has been a 14 to 15 times jump in property tax. Some of these cases have come for dispute settlement before the AMC. They ask why they need to pay if they do not have basic civic amenities in place,” said a senior AMC official.