Over 300 plot owners remain homeless due to Nagpur Improvement Trust apathy

NAGPUR: Even after the owners have completed demarcation of 317 plots in the layout of Crown Co-operative Plot Holders Association in Chinchbhuvan for the third time, their dream of having own house remains a mirage as none of the Nagpur Improvement Trust (NIT) officials have visited the area for inspection for the last three months.
TOI on January 1, 2021 reported the plight of 317 plots owners who are made to run from pillar to post for over five years now to build own houses on their plots after NIT constructed an overhead water tank and road on part of some plots assuming it to be public utility (PU) land.
After consistent follow-ups by the plot owners, majority of whom are senior citizens and retired persons, the NIT officials had in November last year directed them to again carry out demarcation of all plots in the layout though the entire process had been completed twice earlier.
The plot owners told TOI, “We completed the demarcation of all plots spending some lakh of rupees. NIT had directed us to do the demarcation for the third time in last six years. The process was completed in the first week of December last year. Following this, NIT engineers are only assuring to visit the layout for the last three months, but none has turned up.”
“The NIT officials need to inspect the area to sanction the revised layout so that we can construct our dream houses. It has been six years now that all plot owners are forced to reside in rented houses despite owing the land,” they said.
NIT officials told TOI that an official from building section and also from west division visited the layout and also calculated the area. “We will do the needful as soon as possible,” they said.
Office bearers of the Crown Co-operative Plot Holders Association said none from the NIT have turned up in the last three months. “We again visited NIT officials six days ago, only to be promised action,” they said.
According to the association, layout with an area of 67,461.8 sq.mt was laid in 1996. The NIT had regularized plots under Gunthewari Act followed by approval of the layout plan in 2001. Six years ago, the NIT allegedly constructed an overhead water tank on plots assuming it to be PU land. The NIT did nothing to verify exact location of the PU land. The consent of the association was also not taken before the construction, the plot owners say.