Rs 100 crore set aside for Hanumakonda IT tower
According to Telangana state industrial infrastructure corporation (TSIIC), the detailed project report (DPR) has been submitted to district collector Sikta Patnaik for land acquisition.
HANUMAKONDA: An IT tower will soon come up in Hanumakonda city with an estimated cost of Rs 100 crore.
According to Telangana state industrial infrastructure corporation (TSIIC), the detailed project report (DPR) has been submitted to district collector Sikta Patnaik for land acquisition.
The corporation said IT & MAUD minister KT Rama Rao would lay the foundation for the IT tower on October 6, during his visit to Warangal and Hanumakonda districts.
According to TSIIC zonal manager, Santosh Kumar Rama, the district revenue authorities identified a piece of land measuring 2.2 guntas opposite public gardens in Hanumakonda city.
“We are expecting that the land is handed over to TSIIC in a day or two. Foundation stone will be laid there.”
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